
Hi, I’m Ero, the BoyWithTheBox. As a step instructor based in Leeds, I bring great energy to your fitness goals. I was a personal trainer for six years before focusing solely on step. I was inspired to start step classes because people in my East London community prefer Rap, Grime, and RnB for workouts instead of generic Pop. This music choice often keeps us from joining group exercise classes, so I wanted to change that.

What People Think Of The Class

  • They are always super fun, high energy, great music and a fab workout!
  • Challenging, relentless (in a good way!), fun, supportive, a vibe, a real fitness and coordination improver.
  • Love the classes, and I also have so much fun during the class

  • Love it, its my fave class I’ve ever done, challenging but enjoyable

  • Fun and a great way to exercise! I quickly picked it up despite not being confident with my lefts and rights. The music is my favorite genre, unlike other fitness classes. I’ve learned a lot, and my coordination and overall fitness have greatly improved.

What People Think Of The Ero

  • Encouraging, welcoming, calm, energetic, humble. Thank you for your classes.
  • Always brings the energy

  • Excellent, so enthusiastic.
  • Great, he is very helpful and patient, funny too and welcoming

  • Motivational and friendly. It’s nice that he introduces himself to newcomers and breaks down the steps before going into a routine.
  • He’s fun, funny & friendly, and brings good energy and it wouldn’t be the same without him.
  • Friendly and funny, Ero provides just the right amount of guidance before jumping into routines. I love how creative and fun he makes the classes and appreciate him joining in, even though it must be exhausting to shout out the steps at the same time.